A bucket list isn’t limited to only travel destinations. It can include a variety of experiences or achievements that you wish to accomplish, and my list is no exception. I made this bucket list to enrich my life, so I chose items that I am either curious and passionate about, as well as items that make me little anxious or afraid. I want to live my life with no regrets, so there will be times I’ll need to push myself out of my comfort zone in order to experience something memorable. This is the person I want to be; fearless.
I have a total of 555 items on my bucket list and I have organized them into four categories: Travel, Experience, Adventure and Food/Drink. Currently my counter reads as follows:
Category | Total # Listed | Completed | To Do |
Travel | 236 | 68 | 168 |
Experience | 184 | 97 | 87 |
Adventure | 60 | 30 | 30 |
Food/Drink | 74 | 41 | 33 |
TOTALS | 555 | 236 | 321 |
Starting my bucket list with 555 items in my 40’s is a little ambitious, but I am not going to let the numbers overwhelm me. I plan to start each year by picking a minimum of 5 items to check off from my list. These items will be recorded for everyone to see in my “what to expect” section in my blogs sidebar column.
Set a Goal, Make a Plan, Watch it Happen
Before selecting a yearly goal, I will research to see what will be obtainable in my area and make a plan to achieve it. I will also choose items based off my travel plans for the year. My boyfriend and I usually start planning trips a year in advance, so I guess you can say I am a bit of a planner … I can’t help it. Once my goals are set and my plans are made, I will be able to sit back and watch it happen. I understand that it will be close to impossible to complete everything on my list, but I am going to have fun trying.
Now I want to hear from you. Tell me what is on your bucket list and what you need to make it happen? Or maybe there is something you experienced that is not on my list and should be. I am always open to suggestions.
If you want to see how many of my bucket list items you’ve completed just click here to find out your total.